Tiny Hand


Xmas-imiwax and Life Choices

'Tis the season. Take a look out of your window and what do you see? Frantic faces, cheesy Christmas decorations and lights all over the place. And Xmas still almost a month away!

Of course, Xmas is the holiday of love ...*yuck*... Some might say it's the holiday of gifts and the obligatory cramp of finding and buying the right gifts without going bankrupt. I say, it's the holiday of awkward and tedious conversations with relatives and burning questions about your life.

So what are you up to?
How's school/studying/work doing?
Found a job yet?

These questions put an anime-like drop of sweat on my forehead. Life doesn't put enought pressure on you, oh no, there have to be people who put you into a state of irritation and confusion with their gnawing questions all of the time, especially on birthdays, Xmas and other celebrations! And no matter how often you see these people or how often you get these question, THEY ALWAYS COME BACK! Just for ONE Christmas season, I want to experience inner peace and non-existant scrutiny.

And if you're like me - a 20-something; somewhere between studying, finding a job and sleeping; and a master of constant procrastination - you start to ask yourself the same question: What am I doing with my life?

I just got my Bachelor's degree and continue to visit some courses, but overall, I'm an unemployed, lazy bastard like the ones "our kind" tends to make fun of. The problem is, I don't really know what comes next.
It's as if life was a jungle. And you're Tarzan. Well, I'm Tarzan, I mean look at dat bod'! You're ... Jane? One of the monkeys? Okay, you can be Tarzan, too... Anyway, you're Tarzan and the purpose of your life is to jump from liana to liana to get to the destination of your choice. Luckily, life gives you a selection of several lianas right after the other.
"Already able to talk and not shit your pants? Here, have a grade school liana! Done with 1+1 and all that stuff? Nice, what about these high school lianas? Wow, Mr./Ms. graduate is in da houze! Great, now here are a few options to choose from: maybe a university or some scholarships in between? Nice choice! Oh, what do we have here, you got a degree now, huh? Weeeeeell... Umm... Yeah. I'm out. Good luck, kiddo!"
And you don't wanna know where you'll find yourself when falling to the ground...

I could hang on to my current liana. I could cling on to my degree and try to jump to the big Master's tree. But right now, that tree is of no interest for me, yet. I WANT to comb through the jungle, see what's out there, try my best not to fall down.

I've sent out several applications, but the only positive response I received came from a rather uncommon career field. "Barrel-organ Klaus" contacted me and asked, if I wanted to be Santa this Christmas. Visiting families' homes, acting like the big, bearded, old fairytale man and warming children's hearts.

Guys... if you're reading this, you might as well know the other blog posts and my opinion about these crazy, little mofos. Children are the worst. And this Mr. Klaus wants ME to be their entertainer this year?
So yeah, I'm Santa Claus, signed a contract and all... I mean, I get paid for it, so why not, right?

It seems like I have to visit 4-5 families on Christmas Eve. I WILL have difficulties not to drown myself in glühwein right before the meetings (the contract states that I am not allowed to work under the influence. urgh), I WILL have difficulties to stay in character and I WILL have difficulties not to crush some children's dreams.
Something in me really wants to, though...
Oh, just the thought of angry parents, crying boys and girls, a ruined holiday and several years of costly therapy brings a smile to my face :)
What a shame that I have to act all normal and orderly to get the money... Oh well. Maybe some other time...

~music time~

Instead of torturing you with a Christmas playlist, I decided to make another compilation. A selection of my favorite tracks from, well, September until November. I know I'm a shitty blogger when it comes to monthly blog posts, but hey, the Maximimixes are all the better! ;) It got some Indie Rock, some remixes, psychedelic alternative Pop and a handful of electronic tracks, hope you like it!


Life of Pi(e) - Or - How (NOT) to Lose Weight

Do you know this movie called "Life of Pi"? Well, what a dumb question, of course you do.
It may be one of my favorite movies, even though not many seem to share my love for this film. I'm a huge fan of cinematic drama, big pictures, fantasy and images that have an impact on me and my feels.
There was this one scene in particular that took my breath away. A scene shot from above the boat in the middle of the night. The water reflects the night sky and all of these tiny little stars like a mirror. It was my first ever 3D experience since these old green/red-glass-thingies. I was in awe. It looked like Pi, the tiger and the boat were floating upside down across the firmament. Unfortunately, I can't find a picture for that scene on the Web, but this is what it looks like in my memory.
Yep, I'm Pi here.
Another reason for me to like this film was the story of the book. Basically, Pi tells two different stories. And even though one seems more likely than the other, both could be possible in some way. Or maybe it's a combination of both that happened. 

I want to tell you a story. Or rather two short ones, to be exaxt. You decide which one is real or whether any of these stories really happened that way.
I already mentioned on this blog that I lost a few pounds (see below).

 and After (wearing the same clothes)
Many, many friends, family members and acquaintances asked me how I lost all this weight. Recently, I've been getting more and more frustrated with the same question being asked over and over again, which is why I want to tell you how I did it and, thereby, end this bugging questioning.

-- O N E --
I felt miserable when I looked into the mirror. I liked my broad shoulders and my body type, because a six-pack is not what I look for in a person. Appearance may be of some importance, but there's nothing better than humor, a cute smile or an exciting conversation. Unfortunately, the rest of the world can be extremely superficial. To the extent that you cannot even come close to getting to know a person if said person is not interested in you. Look-wise. So, you have to look a certain way to be part of this bubble of attractive people. If you don't fit their criteria, you need to go back to your own bubble, the bubble of average-looking people where only average-looking people date each other. At least that's what I thought at that time.
And then my inner demon took over. The demon that is self-destructive and that doesn't care if I suffer; who, maybe, enjoys my suffering. So I started to eat less. And less. And even less. There were days when I had difficulties to cross the corridor at my university because of malnutrition. If I ate more than I allowed myself, I would sometimes throw some of it up again, just to make sure it wouldn't end up on my hips. I would take laxatives to lose weight, I started to smoke cigarettes every once in while, I did everything imaginable. Sometimes, when I met my friends for a cooking (and drinking) evening, I would starve myself throughout the day just to prevent eating and drinking too much calories in the end. Or, I would not want to eat at all and look forward to a night full of drinking, because with less meat on my bones and not as much food in my stomach, the alcohol would work better. 
I shed kilo after kilo, bought t-shirts several sizes smaller than my old shirts and somehow enjoyed being "normal". Then - a few months too late - people asked me if everything's okay, whether they should be concerned about my well-being or not. This is when I realized that I had crossed the line. Up until now, I managed to normalize my diet. Stress and the resistance of that bitchy demon make me suffer some small setbacks, but all in all, I'm rather healthy again. I like the new me, it's just the way I got there that may be questionable.

 -- T W O --
It's true, I was a hot mess. I ate what was within reach and did not think about doing sports at all. I mean, why do something that I do not enjoy WHATSOEVER if you can eat some yummy pie instead, right??
Then, some day, I looked into the mirror and I felt miserable. Maybe because of my appearance, maybe because of the beauty stigma that was superimposed upon me via the media. I knew I had to do something. I've always been that kinda-funny fat kid, sociable and harmless. I wanted to be taken seriously. I wanted to feel somewhat attractive for once. I considered doing weird stuff like throwing up or just plain not-eating, but your body is a temple, right? So I x-ed chocolate from my meal plan, reduced the average size of my meals and tried to eat a little bit healthier. I found out some tricks that help dieting: Drinking ice-cold water (because your body burns calories while bringing the water to your body temperature), using a tiiiiny little fork/spoon (eating takes a lot longer with baby-sized cutlery) and brushing your teeth earlier at night (who wants to eat something savory if you still got dat sweet, minty taste in yo mouth?). I learned a lot from cooking with friends and youtube videos, thereby getting some more tips for my nutrition. I'm still nowhere near being REALLY healthy, since I still have some slips with dem nomnoms, but I exchanged snacks and overeating with vegetables and consideration. I'm still not sure how I lost over 30kg in (not even) half a year, but it seems to work! I was able to hypnotize myself to be a (kind of) healthier person. It took very low self-esteem and shame for me to do so, but hey, it worked! And if you have the same problem as I did, I encourage you to do the same! Come to the healthy side, we...umm... may not have cookies... but gluten-free, organic, lactose-free crackers! ^^''

I hope that I'll never get this annoying question again, now that I shared two possible versions...
So which one is true: The depressing one or the "healthy" one? Or maybe both? You decide!

The moral of this post: Society puts a shit load of pressure on all of us. Stretch marks, love handles, pigment disorders, skin issues - ALL of these things are natural and common. Just because you have one or two flaws doesn't mean you don't have the right to feel attractive. Don't think you need to change to fit into one of the many boxes or bubbles society lays out ready for occupation. If you want to change: Do it! If not: Work dem curves, hunty!


~music time~

Let's forget about weight, health and boring life stories and turn it around with something more upbeat - literally! A selection of the finest tunes I encountered in the last few weeks. Enjoy!

Shura - Touch



This isn't just an ordinary life update!
This is a VERY ordinary life update!!!

There hasn't been a blog post in all of June. A blogging break for over a month! And why? Because I was busy. Wait, WHAAA? YOU were busy?! Hellz yeah!

Let's stop the clock for a sec and look at a fat-ass, juicy slice of time!
Right now I'm in a shitty kind of gray area between being a student and working as a responsible adult; between asexuality and longing for the D; between insanity induced by stress and being permanently attached to my bed due to sloth-like behaviour.

I got everything I need to finally end this energy-sapping learning phase. Hurray! Most of my recent exams were oral exams (which comes as close to anything oral-related as it gets, hahahuuuu). But even though my professors love my voice and its qualities, are happy with the content I create and think that my answers to their questions meet their expectations, I'm still suuuuper nervous before each exam. I studied 4! damn! years! and I still act as if I'm a startled 13-year-old in front of his judgemental classmates. Whenever I get a new task, I black out and become a lunatic trainwreck!
The only thing that kept me from losing what is left of my sanity was succeeding and shining as the leading role in a live audio play with my fellow students, an adaptation of the fairy tale "Jorinde and Joringel".
People complimented me on my role and our group was happy with the outcome of several weeks full of hustle and bustle. As you can see, I enjoyed the performance. Very much so.

Anyway, I got almost all of the credits I need to wave goodbye to this hellhole of an institution and I even have a topic for my bachelor thesis - everything that's missing are some texts and studies that can help me out.
The more I try to find anything related to CMC (computer-mediated communication) and its influence on current everyday language use (which is a fucking nice topic, if you ask me!), the more I get frustrated.
The more I get frustrated, the more I shut down.
The more I shut down, the more I eat, play games, watch animes and procrastinate in general.
And the more I procrastinate, the more furious I get about my fat lazy ass 
and my inability to focus on my goal.
It's a never-ending spiral of confusion and frustration.
But once I've done all this, I'm gonna celebrate like I've never celebrated before. Champagne, lobster, bitchez, bling and gettin' crunk like no other! MARK MY WORDS!

And as it seems, not-learning and procrastinating are the only things I do in my comfy bed besides eating and sleeping. Nope, no booty hole gets its well-deserved attention. No pole gets polished. Not a single button gets pushed and there's no valve for any kind of tension or pressure.

But Max, you've lost soooo muuuch weight! You look so much better now blahblah there must be a boy for you somewhere blahblah I bet dem boys go crazy for you hahahablahblah!!1!11!!!!
It does make a difference, of course. Weighing over 30kg less than a year ago makes me look like a different person and somewhat comparable to the typical mainstream small town twinkboy. But it's mostly just guys over 40 that would like a piece of some young, inexperienced boy ass that isn't totally worn out. Or guys around the age of 18 which derive from the XD-generation - meaning a generation that has no problems but THINKS it has a shitload of them and which is barely able to write a full sentence without sounding like it misses half of its brain. And unfortunately, the rest of the guys that are interested in me hasn't really been my type, yet.

Which made me think... Since there ain't a guy out there that is really into me as much as I'm into him and since I can't put a ring on my laptop because it doesn't have a finger for it to put on, I should just marry the other thing that's just as close to my heart and that knows how to make me happy!
I've known it for all of my life, we've been through dick and thin, it knows my special places and we're basically already attached to each other!
..."Rightie", darling? Would you... would you share the rest of your life with me, no matter what cums our way?

And so, Max and his right hand lived happily ever after.
(EPILOG: Max' right hand supports him with his bachelor thesis and he finally gets his degree. Yay.)


~music time~

This time, I thought I'd switch it up a bit. I cannot give you a long-ass list of songs that I've found since my last blog post. There are just way too many. So I made a little playlist for you guys! 15 songs from the past 2 months that I've arranged in a beautiful sound bouquet for your hearing pleasure. ENJOY, MOTHAFUCKAS, ENJOY!


Meet Gabi!

And now on National Geragraphic: "Adventures with Max"!

Welcome to "Adventures with Max" - the show where we journey through the streets of Gera to discover and observe rare and unusual wild life! I'm your host Max 'Bearhugger' Wachsmann.

On this week's episode of Adventures with Max, I show you a particularly special being that is shrouded in legend and undocumented - UNTIL NOW!
The weirdus galus psychonensis - also known as the "Gabi"
 Pict.1: A wild Gabi

Rarely out on the street, the Gabi is said to usually camouflage amongst a small group of weirdos and hippies (in this case: shroomies). Since these cliques were nowhere to be found at that time, the Gabi seemed to feel pressured to get out alone and venture out on a walk within the community of us "normal people".

As you can see in Pict.1, the Gabi was utterly surprised to see me. Mainly, because I did not break eye contact with her. I was so intrigued by her coincidental sight that I wanted to take the chance and get near her. My main target was the supermarket behind her, but who can resist the temptation of documenting the behaviour of such an abstract figure?

The Gabi's appearance was of remarkable peculiarity as one can imagine.
Her brown fur (hair) looked messy and scruffy. Some experts say, Gabies shorten their own hair to prevent excessive sweating and overheating in the summer. In this case, the Gabi's hair showed signs of rough cutting with a blunt blade, an axe, or a chainsaw.
The Gabi wore no shoes, a short pair of pants and a loose-fitting tank top which still displayed her ribcage. In her hand she held a small, orange bucket with uncertain content. I tried to identify what was in it, but I couldn't get a look at the inside of the bucket. It might have revealed something - her goals, her conditions, her purpose... But I guess all the information about her background will never be known.
Apart from her excited look and a psychotic, strained grin, the Gabi's face had two further interesting features: an inflamed eyebrow piercing and a missing tooth. The latter contributed to her shaggy look.

Usually very shy, the Gabi talked to me when I walked past her. Really, SHE TALKED! There is no record of the Gabi's ability to talk! I felt very lucky to be the first person to document this outcome.
What I understood was: "You seem like a nice person. You smiled at me. Isn't it a lovely day to chat with someone?"

Here is a video of the Gabi walking by my side:
Video1: The wild Gabi walking next to me and interested in a conversation.

Still, I was not able to look inside the bucket. A shame, really.

Then I suddenly had the urge to get away from her. The look on her face, the fact that she was so open and talktative and the sudden setting were too much, even for an adventurer like me.
I wanted to continue my shopping spree and avoid further contact with the Gabi. Who knows which diseases I could catch from a member of the weirdus galus family? She noticed my impulse and uttered "You're in a hurry, huh?"
When I obviously aimed at a different path, the Gabi finally left with the words that still ring in my head:
"The clouds, think about the clouds! One is laughing, the other one is not!"

What did she mean by that? Is it a code? Can the Gabi see the future? Maybe one needs to distance himself or herself from what sounds like complete nonsense. But maybe we should all worship the twisted mind behind these glassy, twitching eyes and think about laughing and non-laughing clouds...
This was Adventures with Max with your host Max 'Bearhugger' Wachsmann!
Tune in next time to find out more about more about Steve, the entrepreneurial pedophile with a glass eye!

~music time~




I've just finished watching the first season of "The Mindy Project" within the last 3 or 4 days (It's funny and entertaining like New Girl, but not as in-your-face-quirky - LOVE IT!) and by closing the tab that I streamed the show with, I regained consciousness over my current situation.
It's 4 p.m. on a Saturday, I'm lying in my bed in a rather uncomfortable position in order to type this (and to play a stupid minigame on Facebook), regretting the amount of food I ate within the last 3 hours and wearing nothing but some shorts and a dirty t-shirt. I have nothing better to do right now and I've got nothing planned for the evening. Maybe drinking a glass of wine. Alone. Or a bottle. Still alone and with the risk of drunk-texting a friend, my future husband or my ex.

I'm a pathetic human being.
I should get a grip and do something. Yeah, I should do something and be productive! Even if it's just by making another blog post! HECK YEAH!

So what I need right now is a role model. I already established that I'm a pathetic human being. That means, I need the complete opposite. A badass non-human being!
And I think I just found the one....


Everyone knows dolphins as these beautiful, graceful animals or as "gay sharks" but these dudes are some badass mofos, trust me!

First of all: all of them have "blowholes". I mean, how awesome is that? Humans would be so much cooler if they had something called blowholes, that's for sure...

And dolphins hate babies. So much, in fact, that they kill them. On a regular basis. For several reasons, one of them being "just for fun".
Yeah, that's right. When female dolphins give birth, they are not interested in mating for a short period of time. Because, well, they gotta take care of dem babies, you know? Male dolphins know this - and so they kill their own offspring so that the female dolphins are in "the mood" again.
They also kill babies from other marine creatures, for example baby sharks. And as already stated, scientists have found out that dolphins enjoy brutally murdering other animals. Dolphins are complete sociopaths!
Buuuut... I guess I'm on their side when it comes to being against babies in general. Gotta respect an anti-baby-bro!
Let's not forget their special abilities.
Dolphins can leap up to 30 feet in the air when jumping out of the water. I can't even jump high enough to get to all the dust on top of my closet!
They can consume up to 30 pounds of fish per day (Sounds like a Tuesday to me, amiright?!?!?) and do so by surrounding a couple of fish as a team. They do what is necessary to get the food for the pod members - jumps, zig zag patterns, circles... I imagine them as the cool kids in Grease with their finger snapping, looking like the ultimate bullies...
Their hearing ability is 10x better than our hearing ability + they use echolocation to communicate in the water by identifying sound waves. How cool would it be to send some thoughts through the air just by thinking about it? All those calories you burn with speaking? Keep'em as fat on your hips and send that shit via sound waves!

And the last and definitely the coolest thing about dolphins is that we now know that some of them are serious drug addicts! (See: Spy in the Pod, a series produced for BBC One by the award-winning wildlife documentary producer John Downer).
Dolphins 'deliberately get high' on puffer fish nerve toxins by carefully chewing and passing them around! The toxins have a narcotic effect and the dolphins appear to have worked out how to make the fish release just the right amount. They are the stoners of the animal kingdom!
Dolphins are freakin' awesome.
They combine extreme cuteness with unexpected dangerousness. The PERFECT combination, if you ask me.
Sure, pandas are even more awesome, but on a scale of 1 to panda, dolphins are a solid 8!

And check this out: I just finished this blog post! Thanks, dolphins, you rock!
And next time you think you're too quiet, lazy or just lame:

~music time~

Terry Poison - Man after Man
The vocals seem a bit off at the beginning, but the more you listen to it, the more it grows on you. Extremely addicitve and the essence of alternative music!

Again, for more music, head over to my ->tumblr and follow me there! :]

That's it for now...


Skills I've Mastered!

Hey Y'all, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack!!!

I haven't done a blog post in a looong time (at least it feels like an eternity to me), but now I finally found a few minutes of silence, solitude and peace to get back to blogging.
In the meantime, I've done many things, met new people and was asked (or forced) to do stuff I never did before. It's been a learning process of some sort and apart from essential and practical skills, I learned a handful of abilities and lifehacks that make my life easier. Here are a few of them:

I've been working with Parkinson patients for a linguistic/neurological study for two weeks now. More or less 8 hours a day. This, of course, includes talking to the patients, making sure they're alright, interacting with them and in the long run, maybe even bond with them a little bit.
As you may know, I hate people.
Like, almost all of them. Strangers are the worst. Old people - don't even get me started.

Over the course of the last 2 weeks, I've acquired the knowledge and the social skills to be on one level with the seniors when it comes to smalltalk. I get their worries, I get their hopes, I get what happens in their life, I get THEM.
Admittedly, all they really wanna talk about is the good/bad weather and their diseases, but hey. Cut me some slack! I deserve some credit for dealing with them - given that I'm the ultimate misanthrope!
 (recycled picture for obvious reasons)

For some reason, I always wore t-shirts at work. That was a big mistake, because dem sunny days still felt far gone and the temperatures were like "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman..." - only with "winter" and "spring".
But the cold didn't bother me at all. I then realized, that I'm totally down with being cold and definitely prefer freezing over sweating like a pig. Good thing I don't own any other casual clothing for my upper body except for t-shirts.

One time, one of the older patients pointed out my pointy nipples. (MY EYES ARE UP HERE, LADY!)
After that, I noticed that there was not one time that my nipples were flat like they should be. Always poking through my shirt, checking out what's going on in this world.
*BING, here we are! What's up world? Nice, chilly weather, heh? Haha we are nipples*

Honestly, my nips could cut glass when I'm freezing!

I may have the most unpractical, boxy and bulky flesh-props for feet (I can't even pick up a pen with them ._.'') but I learned to do everyday tasks with them instead of using my hands. Really convenient if you got no hand left due to holding the munchies stock.

Closing/opening doors? No problem.
Reaching for that book on that table because you're too lazy to get out of your cozy bed? Done.
Balancing a glass of water (Let's just call it "water", ok?) because it threatens to fall over and wet your bed (I've been spending a lot of time in my bed, lately, hm?) ? You got it.

Looking better in photos
Let's be honest: There's no such thing as justice and equal chances when it comes to looking good. Some are luckier than others, some just look busted all the time. But there is something you could call "internet pretty".
You may not be oozing beauty and attractiveness in real life, but once you know your angles, find the light and work the camera, you got yourself a pic that you look half-decent on.
And that's what I mastered.
My face doesn't know what symmetry is, my skin is bad, my teeth aren't straight and my hair has the mood swings of a 13-year-old.
But give me a few minutes, a smart phone and maybe access to some image editing program et voilà:
I look like a normal human being! In the best case maaaaybe even a tad handsome. But only a tad.

WITH a bit of work


Just print out a pic of me before we meet and staple it to my face if you wanna spends some time with me.
That should do the trick!

Apropos "trick", here comes the last and most important ability that I've acquired:
Tricking people into thinking that I can draw
Yes, I put a lot of work into these stupid little comics. And yes, they somehow support the blog posts and you can fairly recognize what it is that I drew. But my drawing skills are those of an 8th grader.

As the attentive reader that you are, you know that I wanted to be a painter when I grow up. Unfortunately, I came off the art track and slithered on the let's-just-study-something-and-see-how-it-goes track.

I have some understanding of perspective, color coordination and realism. But give me a task like "Max, draw a tiger for me! One that is running a bit towards you with an open mouth!" and all you get is a kindergarten-y cat with an angry looking smiley on it.

It's the little things that make a difference.
I may not have accomplished much in the last few weeks, but these abilities are worth something, right?

Baby steps, Max, baby steps...

~music time~


There are sooooo many tracks that need to be shared, but it would go beyond the scope right now...
Just check out -> maximiwax.tumblr.com and follow me there to get regular updates and music posts!

Please comment below if you want more music-based content with a bit more depth or just a blog post like this one! I'd really appreciate it :)

Enjoy the week and welcome the sun!


-- Synesthesia --

I got a new mobile phone recently and it's still a huuuuge struggle. I managed to understand and operate my old phone just fine -- within the 4 years that I had it. Now that I'm faced with TODAY'S technology, I'm all kinds of fucked up. 
What annoyed me the most was the fact that I couldn't transfer my old contacts to my new phone. I had to add every contact manually. Took me hours to collect all the numbers again and to type them in with a touch screen which is not really adjusted to my tiping at all... 

But over the course of time and by tiping in so many numbers, I noticed that I can remember certain series of numbers because of the image I have in mind when I think about them. Every number has different attributes that have nothing to do with math, but rather with their shape and how I see them. 

I knew that I had a lot of fantasy and a creative mind, but I never really thought about the characters of numbers, even though I have a clear vision about them. 

I talked to a lot of people about this phenomenon and noticed that everyone sees the numbers 1-9 in a different light. Some perceptions had common ground, though. 

This overlap of cognitive pathways and automatic, involuntary experiences of sensory input is called "synesthesia", or in this case, "grapheme-color synesthesia".
Big words, right?
Damn, you may even learn one thing or two with MAXIMIWAX! :D 

So let me show you how I see numbers: 

character: too cool for school, smug
gender*: male
color/look: white, lanky
character: beaming with joy, naive, innocent
gender*: female
color/look: yellow, bright, youthful
 character: motherly, down-to-earth
gender*: female
color/look: orange, plus-sized / voluptuous
character: bitchy, vain, fake, conceited
gender*: female/trans
color/look: hot pink, slim, lip gloss
character: leader, badass, "Red Power Ranger"
gender*: male
color/look: well, Red Power Ranger-y, duh!
character: evil, sensuous
gender*: male (but could also be a hardcore dominatrix)
color/look: sleek and a tad naughty
character: nerdy, harmless, intelligent
gender*: male (or maybe a girly nerd)
color/look: blue, braces, spineless
character: also intelligent, social, "Sailor Neptune"
gender*: female
color/look: purple, womanly, attractive
character: hipster, likes wood and alternative-rock for some reason
gender*: male (but had gay experiences before)
color/look: brown, nerd glasses, full beard

*gender: Let's not start with that shit. Here, it's either male or female (and in case #4, trans).

I'm not entirely sure why I made this post or what I want to accomplish with it. But I had the idea of synesthesia in my mind for the past few weeks and drawing these numbers was hella fun!
Maybe you have a different opinion about their characteristics OR you give me a big thumbs up and agree with me on how I imagine them in my head. Feel free to comment down below!! (even though we both know that nobody will ever read dat shit)...

So let's get back to a good ol' maximiwaxy section: MUSIC!!

~music time~

That's it for now, guys!
Don't forget to use the comment section! It's there for a reason ;)



Cupido's Advice

*ring ring*
Hello, this is "Cupido - there to help your libido!" How can I help you?

Umm, Hi, this is Max. I got a question.
So, Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I'm all alone.
How can I cheer myself up and not jump off a bridge
due to insufficient sexy-time?
Oh, well, first of all: Don't do that! 
(Damn, these callers are desperate. Phew...)
Just think about the process - not the goal. With patience come great things!
Every man will find a woman eventually...

..But I'm g...

Shhhh! Don't say anything. I know. You're ugly, hm?
At least that's the problem of most of the guys who call me, haha!
Hey... If Sugar Bear from "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo!" can find a
hot piece of ass like Mama June, you'll find the girl of your dreams, too, someday!

Umm... hmm... Okay, thanks for the advice. Bye...

God, these people! -.-
*ring ring*
"Cupido - there to help your libido or whatever..." How may I help you, cutie-pie?

Hey, this is.. umm... Ricardo! Yeah, Ricardo.

You sound weirdly familiar. Are you the one who just called?

What? No, noooo, nonono.
I got a question. I want to get ready for the evening, you know,
with all the hump-stuff and love-crap and smoochiesmoochie-thingies.
How can I set the right mood for me and my *cough* loved one?

Oooooh, got some cheetah for the night, huh? Lucky one!
First of all: Shave. Like, everything. Nothing is sexier than a skin-coloured blob!
Next: Light a sh*itload of scented candles. The more scents you mix, the dizzier you both get.
Which means that you both don't really recognize each other anymore. Which is perfect!
Play some sexy '70s funk and get your juices flowin'!
Is that enough?

Definitely. *shudders* Bye.

RUDE! I give him, like, the best advice ever and he just hangs up on me.
Moron!...*ring ring*
"Cupido - blablabla no one loves you!" How can I help you?

Konnichiwa! This is - how you say - umm, LingLing?

Oh, to hell with you! You're the same guy from before!
What's your problem, man?!

Okay, okay, you got me. It's Max.
I think I found someone in my life. So dear to my heart.
We spent every night together. He is full of surprises
and I can always count on him, no matter what.
He gives me what I want without taking much.
It's a weird kind of love and I'm not sure if it's a healthy relationship.
What is your advice?

Awww. That's the right kind of love there, bro!
I say, GO FOR IT!
Good luck, you lovebirds! ;)
*beep beep beep beep*

Well then. Nothing can stop me now...
You and I were made for each other. Even Cupido said so!
Come here, my true love!

~music time~

James Blake - Life Round Here

Love is everywhere.
Even on the internet.
You're not alone.



The "MMM"

I don't always have dates.
but when I do, they are an utter failure.

I overcame my fear of *urgh* getting to know people and met a guy in the city I'm studying in, and it turned out to be a disaster. Not only did the evening lack any kind of chemistry between us, but that dude also had the nerves to make me feel like an ugly, inferior dumbass.
If you're reading this: Go fuck a cactus :)

But the open-minded, joyous and wannabe-social person that I am, I tried to conversate with this lil' dipshit in a neutral, sustainable manner. And then I remembered a technique I've been using for the last couple'o'years to keep a conversation alive that I don't wanna have in the first place or where it is unavoidable to zone out.

The "Malcolm in the Middle - Method"!
I'm not sure in what kind of context the show addressed this method, which episode it was or who of the characters actually used it. I think it was the little one. But I know that it was this very show that introduced me to the idea of rephrasing / reusing words of the person concerned and turning them into a question.
It goes like this:

Bla Bla blabla Bla Blabdibla X, blabla Bla.

Oh, X blabla?

Yeah, Bla X bla, but blaBlaBlabla and Y Blabla!

Cool, so Y bla Blabla?
and so on...

Normally, the other person doesn't notice what you're doing. He/She keeps on going and going and going if you don't stop them or if they don't have something called "social intelligence" - a topic I already wrote a blog post about waaay back in 2012 (click here!) (so embarassing...).
Furthermore, you can think about important things like "Is this olive or moss green?" or "I wonder if aliens have livers, too..." while half-assedly listening to what your partner has to say.

If your friends know this technique, they can call you out on it when you use it.
So just to let you know, guys: if I ask you something in this way, it doesn't mean that I don't wanna talk/listen to you. Here's a hint: Look at things like body posture, eye contact and interaction to find out if your friend is really listening to you!
Also, the lack of interest/attention + over-generalizing the method + too much patience can lead in the wrong direction. What might've started as a normal conversation can turn into an infinite loop of nonsense and suffering.

So when you're faced with a crampy conversation, try out the MMM!
But beware of the possible consequences...

...What else could MMM stand for? That's right, Maximiwax' Music Mix! There you go! :D
~music time~


Let me know if the method worked for you! :)
And enjoy the rest of the week!...
