Tiny Hand


Craycray like RayRay

I recently finished the game "Fahrenheit - Indigo Prophecy" and there was one little thing that particularly caught my eye...
While playing the game, you need to do quick-time events and decide what you wanna do. Each decicion and each action has influence on something called "mental health", which is illustrated by a bar at the right bottom corner of the screen. It looks something like this:
The evil, malicious side of me treated the main characters like sh*t just to see how that little - let's call him RayRay - gets on his knees and loses his mind. I don't know why but no matter which game I play, I end up ill-treating and sometimes killing the main character and/or civilians. Just for the funzies... But at some point, I looked at poor RayRay and I thought to myself, "Damn, dude, you are a sad, little man trapped inside a small, blue box and you can't do anything about it. I feel your pain, Ray, I feel it..."
And just as Ray is influenced by decisions and incidents, I, too, am very sensitive about what happens to me. Some actions increase my mental health just as they do with Ray's, and some may get me blue or bat-shit crayray.
Although I seem very confident and cheerful on the outside, some things really get to me. In the case of the main character of Fahrenheit, Lucas, taking a piss increases your mental health by +5, while getting caught by the police costs you -30. My scale looks a bit different...

1) Everything's fine.
Christmas stress.. train delay.. it's f*cking cold..
2) Some worries.
 unsuccessful date.. more Christmas stress.. family issues.. skin problems..realizing that I've wasted another year..
3) Argh, OMG.
sleeping problems.. awkward ex.. too much candy ("God, I got FAT!").. thinking about death, world hunger and the distorted perception of beauty of our generation..

Right now I'm somewhere inbetween 2) and 3). Maybe more 3) but tending towards 2). Let's see how it changes in 2013!


~music time~

Port Isla - Sinking Ship

YACHT - Second Summer
(Coolest/Cutest/Weirdest. Video. Ever. -> click here!)

Mando Diao - Good Morning Herr Horst (RAC MIX)

The Static Jacks - Into The Sun (RAC Maury MIX)

Kate Boy - In Your Eyes
(Trust me, this song gets better and more and more intense by the second! Just listen to it for a few times and you'll know what I mean!)

That's it for this year, I guess. Enjoy the holidays and have a happy new year! :)


Confessions / Guilty Pleasures: Hip-Hop

Remember the poll I did a few weeks ago? The one I mentioned in the last posts, too? Yeah, that one. One of the things you could choose was "Guilty Pleasures - Hip-Hop", because I noticed that - despite my general aversion to hip-hop and rap music - there ARE some songs in my itunes that could be considered as hip-hop-ish. And then I thought about 'guilty pleasures' in general and things that I do on a regular basis, but which should be avoided in order to life a healthy life / be normal.
These are some of those things (that I can recall right now) :

Try it! put a jar of Nutella in the freezer. If it's full, let it freeze for an hour. If it's half-full, let it freeze for ~40minutes. and then use a long spoon to pick out huge, cold blocks of the yummy Nutella. Your waistline may hate you for it, but your tongue will experience the ultimate 'foodgasm'! ;)

I found her, the beautiful, humorous, amazing Grace Helbig, while looking through my recommendations on YouTube. I guess she popped up because I watched several Jenna Marbles videos and other YouTubers who typically live in LA.
I instantly fell in love with her wit, her unbelievably bad puns and her awkwardness.
Also, I've been searching for some random-ass game to play in the background while I was doing my homework or when I was watching videos or movies. So I remembered how I used to play a free-trial version of this Yu-Gi-Oh! game from 1996 and I downloaded and installed it. It's f*cking addicting! And somehow, both complement each other by not using too much of my brain at the same time. A match made in heaven!
This is what my desktop looks like between 11:30 p.m. and 1:30 a.m.:
(I lost the game after taking the screenshot...)
I started watching Glee because of my sister and maybe my ex, too. Both of them were talking about how great this show was and then I watched the first episode... And I was hooked. 
Up to this day, I try to start every episode thinking "Nah, how predictable! They ruined the song! Can this get any worse??" ... This lasts, like, 30 seconds. I still love this show as much as I used to at the beginning, no matter how bad some of the episodes were. Gleeks UNITE!!

All you hear is some mumbling, but you're expected to give some kind of reaction. And because "What did you just say?" might implicate that you did not listen to this person, you just giggle... Or do a little "mh-hmmm" while raising your voice. The weird part is that IT WORKS EVERY TIME! It somehow became part of my regular way of communicating with others, because it just happens so. damn. often..
how do you make a gif
Another thing that I noticed is that I kind of like some hip-hop songs - not the rapping, basically just the background music. You may know this situation: A song starts and you think "Yeah, that's my jaaaaaam!" - and then a weird, manly voice kicks in with rapid, sexist lyrics and you're like "aaawwww maaaaaan! The beginning was so good! :/ "

Well, I found some songs that I like despite the rapping. Or maybe because of it.... I don't know. Just listen to it and you'll know what I mean. (Attention: some of them might represent hip-hop only in the broadest sense. But they're still hip-hop ;] )


~music time~

OutKast - Ms. Jackson (Jean Tonique Remix)

Wiley - Numbers In Action (Watch the amazing video HERE)

Just Jack - Writer's Block

Dizzee Rascal - Bonkers

Kid Cudi - 50 Ways To Make A Record
Azealia Banks - Liquorice

That's it for now... Maybe you share one of my 'guilty pleasures', who knows? ;)
Have a great weekend, guys!


Me and BOB!

The way you see yourself and the way others do differs drastically. I (re)learned this the hard way.
It all started with a friend who obviously has enough storage space on her cellphone to have a photo for everyone in her contact list. Max, I want to see your face when you phone me! Nice one. Nice one...
So without asking, she took her phone out of her bag and held it in front of my face to make that goddamn picture. EDIT: I hate when people want to make photos of me, because whenever they wanna do that, I look like sh*t. Literally, sh*t! ... Well, little did I know, her phone came with a camera that has a light next to it. And this very light was flashing so brightly that I had to squint my eyes. Just get this over with!, I thought, while she was finally making the picture. Thinking about how the photo turned out, I had a certain image in mind: a strained but cute smile and squinty eyes.
Turns out her phone had an HD camera (what the ?? how can this even ?? SCIENCE! O.O). A cruel, nasty camera that makes the most unfortunate photos ever.
So this is what she'll see when I phone her. Ouch to the max! (*haha*)...
But at least she'll be the only one to ever see this picture (at least that's what I hope) - meaning: She will be the only one to ever have THIS in mind when my name pops up.
But my whole "Translation" course will think of me as a "BOB"

Long story short, my lecturer forgot my name and had to think of something. And he went for BOB.
The last few weeks I always thought about how you can, of all things, think of me as a BOB!
Every name creates a certain picture in your mind. And when I think of a Bob, I think of a dumpy, dull, slightly-hairy-but-not-hairy-enough-to-call-him-"hairy", middle-aged trucker.
Like this:
So there goes my ego. Again. See you later, ego-gator...
And just to make this clear: If you see me somewhere and call me "Bob", I'm going to hurt you. Very, very badly.
~music time~
Willy Moon - Yeah Yeah

The Zolas - Knot In My Heart

Bat For Lashes

Brick&Mortar - Bangs

Last Lynx - Killing Switch

Hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed making it! :)



Wave #4: Best Music Videos (imo)

As some of you* might know (*those 7 or 8 people that actually read my blog posts now and then), I had a poll on which topic my next post/s should be about. One of these topics was "Best Music Videos" and, in retrospect, there were more votes than I expected. Almost as many as for "personal blog post" (I still don't get why you chose this but hey... You want it, you get it!)
There have been some amazing music videos over the last few years and I want to show you my personal favorites. Of course, these videos also represent what I like to listen to, so feel free to see this list as every other song list at the end of my posts. I will add a very brief explanation about why this or that video is in the list and why it is so special to me.
Just so you know: This is my personal taste and my sense of esthetics. This list will not include videos like "Thriller", "Wicked Game" or Daft Punk videos - not because they aren't awesome enough but because it would be kind of stale to name them again. Right? :)

[no particular order]

1. The Hundred In The Hands - Pigeons
This girl knows how to act! Never seen such a convincing interpretation of a drunk party chick. Plus: How awesome is firework vomit?! - But seriously, this video creates many great images which make it (and the band, too) so unique.

2. Bloc Party - The Prayer
Again, a video that amazed me with its visuals back then when I first saw it. The effect of burning through layers of space and memory and the distorting effects are what I like the most about this video. Plus the song gets so extremely easily stuck in your head!

3.  Trentemøller - Moan (Trentemøller Vocal Mix ft. Ane Trolle)
A singing dog. In space. AAAAND Trentemøller. Duh!

4. Björk - All Is Full Of Love
Maybe the most calming song ever. Whenever I was mad at my ex for being a dickhead, I just needed to listen to this song for 2 or 3 times and my world was perfect and fluffy and bright again... Also think about when this video was taken/produced!: 1999!! I think it looks like a current production as far as graphics are concerned. A true masterpiece!

5. UNKLE - Rabbit In Your Headlights
As a kiddo, I once read through teletext profiles of MTV VJs that hosted MTV (when the "M" still stood for MUSIC and not for MASS) and I found out that several of these VJs listed their favorite video. And they all chose this one. Many years later I remembered doing this and found the video they were talking about. Just watch it. Phe-no-me-nalllll!! (I also was inspired by UNKLE's Burn My Shadow video when I wrote a post about the "Kübler-Ross-moments" of my life back then...ooooh Unkle...)

6. Philip Selway - By Some Miracle
I just love videos with a clear idea which is realised with simple but powerful images. This is a perfect example. And of course, slow motions! :)


Keaton Henson - Sweetheart, What Have You Done To Us
It may not be one of the best videos ever, but I just recently found it - or, more precisely, him - and it just moved me. Not to tears but to something-like-"internal-tears"-or-so. Because of this effect, I had to add it to the list.

That's it. If you know a video that NEEDS to be added to the list, feel free to leave it in the comment section below! :)

And I'm sorry that I don't have any pictures for this post. But what could I draw about music videos?? o.O So here is a little pic where I ride a magical, handicapped unicorn while making a purry cat face and doing the arm wave dance move. I hope this makes up for it. :)




Before I upload a list of my favorite music videos, I wanted to make a quick post with very short songs (songs that are no more than 2:30 minutes long). And also a little update on my current situation - because I'm kind of doing fine :) Yeah, weird, right? Last week's (and month's) posts were more or less marked by melancholy and maybe the bitter taste of loneliness, but I got a grip on myself and dealt with the difficulties that came up with the new semester. This weekend, I had a moment of doing-nothing-and-feeling-good-about-it where, normally, I would feel like I'm not seizing the opportunity of using my time... I had my homework done, my room was clean, I got some monaaaay, everything was at its place and organized. So I just leaned back with a glass of red wine, listened to some French song that played on my iTunes (shuffle, ooooh shuffle... :-*) and enjoyed the moment.
Because I'm classy like that.
Well, maybe I'm not that classy after all, but I sure like to pretend! ;)
So let's come to a little list of songs that are of special interest for me because of their length.. I don't know why but the fact that they are so short is what makes them different from songs with a normal length (like 3:40 or so). And the monotony it gets when you repeat the song over and over again has something soothing and meditative, I think, which gives the song a whole new quality and a way of listening to it.

Camille - Vous

Oscar and Martin - Recognise

The Raconteurs - Level

The Hives - Abra Cadaver

Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River (Kaytradamus Remix)

That's it for now... Hope, these song choices are not too out of the box for some of you :)
Next time, there'll be more bad-ass electro/indie songs, for sure!


Reality hits you hard, Bro!

(The poll showed: You want[ed] a personal blog post. So there you go...)

Slash! Boom! Pow! Roundhousekick!
Life 1:0 Max 

I don't want to sound like I'm constantly challenged by life itself or frustrated with what I'm faced with, but this week was definitely another knockout for me. Having developed the habit of sleeping all day long and procrastinating the hell out of every day - just like every holiday - I had difficulties with getting out of bed before 10 a.m., let alone before 7 a.m.! So I started to commute to my university, just as I used to do several months ago. I saw familiar faces, walked the same route to my seminar rooms and soon remembered why I always feel some kind of discomfort when I think about my university: Every plan and structure you've established for the semester is, with high probability, going to be transient and sooner or later crushed by the system. It's like the institution itself is trolling me. 
" You wanna take this course? You do? Well... NOPE! *trolololol* "
But it seems like I'm not the only one who's complaining about the registration system of my university. We poor little students just have to deal with it. ->Reality hits you hard, bro!
The only good thing about the new semester is getting to know a bunch of new people. At least that's what you would expect from a new semester, right? Well.. let's just say that my otherwise open-minded and generally friendly nature was put to the test with some of the most irritating personalities you could imagine! Apart from the massive load of nerds at my university (and I mean the bad kind) there was one incident that had the essence of what I have been struggling with for quite a long time now...
When you get to know a person, you ask his or her several questions. Sure thing. Depending on what you are interested in, you might - at some point - even ask this person a question like "Hey, so what kind of music do you listen to?". Approximately 95% answer this question with "Uhm, I'm listening to everything, really..." --- When I got this damn answer for the quadrillionth time, I started asking "Oh REEAALLY, HM? So what do you like the most? Just name a few!" (while having the hugest grin in my imagination, because here, more than 50% list things that are all kind of the same thing!!)
It really gets on my nerves, if people say that they are listening to everything, creating the image that they listen to a wide range of genres, indicating that they might be considerate and thoughtful towards other stuff too... and then BOOM! They are chart-whores. Sh*t like this makes me aggressive!
So I asked this question to a fellow student I did not know, just to see what she might like and if her appearance matched her taste in music, because she looked like an indie-girl.
Guess what!?

dSaCnf on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

So this was my week. Pretty rough, but a man's got to do what a man's got to do, right?
(*giggle* maaaaan :3 *giggle*)

~music time~

S O H N - Oscillate
In my last post, I showed you their song "The Wheel," remember? 1 or 2 songs of them later, I completely fell in love with them. Their EP = Album of the Month!!
Vitamin String Quartett - Rape Me (Nirvana Cover)
I found this song at the end of a porn video. Please don't judge from the title of the song what kind of video that was! :x ... I guess you can find music in the weirdest places, right? RIGHT?

Krystale - Caught Up (Kaytradamus Remix)
Ben Howard - The Fear (Moonlight Matters Rework)
Dillon - Thirteen Thirtyfive
My favorite song at the moment. The remixes are just as good as the original. LURVE IT!!

I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it! :)
Have a nice week and enjoy the most beautiful side to nature - Fall! :]


The Upcoming Fall (/Autumn) Depression

A few days ago, somebody on the radio mentioned that this time of the year, namely fall (or autumn, depending on where you're from), is the season of LOVE.
Well, I don't feel this LOVE at the moment. In fact, all I feel is a tad of loneliness and a nice dose of rejection. Enough to keep me busy until the winter time... As you can see, my phase of depression comes a little early, since normally the real depression begins with the falling of the first snowflakes.
So what exactly led to this onset of feeling blue?
Simple sentences. Sentences that are so typical, it hurts. And they hurt. 
Being a very picky person when it comes to fully opening up and getting emotionally dependent on someone, I might use some harsh sentences now and then, too. One simply HAS to. But at a time when you are effusively vulnerable (for whatever reason), certain sentences hit you with such a force that for days you'll be thinking about them, digesting them until they don't hurt anymore. They may occur one at a time, giving you the chance to recover a bit. But they can also come all at once - the more sentences there are to hurt you, the more you're basically f*cked...
(maybe right-click it to see it clearly)

That is all there is to say, right now. I'm feeling blue and I'm missing inspiration for new posts.
This is why I chose to let you have a voice and help me with my next post. See the question/survey at the top right?  Choose one or more answers and let me know what would interest you. I'd really appreciate that :)


~ music time ~

This time, I want to show you a list of tracks that will definitely stay inside my "favorites" playlist for a long time. Especially the last one. SO. GOOD. !! Enjoy!

Sohn - The Wheel

David Byrne & St. Vincent - Who
(btw: definitely my album of the month: David Byrne & St. Vincent : 'Love This Giant' !!!)

Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Swim & Sleep (Like a Shark)

MS MR - Dark Doo Wop

>> Don't forget to give an answer in the survey box ;)
Have a nice week!



So I went shopping the other day (insert: I hate shopping) and I found a hat I really liked. Whilst trying to put it on, I noticed that my gigantic, hollow head couldn't fit this damn hat. So I went up to the saleslady, hoping that they have this particular hat in another size. One that would fit my head.
Little did I know, this was a touchy lady. I was about to experience the one thing that I hate the most (apart from whiny children and liquorice) ... someone touching my face.
I couldn't tell where her face ended and her neck began. She tried to be uber-friendly but the absence of productive distance, as I call it, freaked me the hell out. In that moment, where her fingers slightly touched my cheek, I couldn't think of something else besides cutting them off. Or biting them. But that would need even MORE physical contact. Ugh.
I don't know what it is about someone touching my face that annoys me so much. Overall, I don't hate to be touched in general. There are certain areas that might even need a little bit of physical contact now and then -- still speaking about my head ... the one my shoulders --
You can imagine it like this:
....Overall, I'm a very face-oriented person. If there is something like a face-fetish, count me in! There are certain shapes, colors, hollow surfaces and bulges that interest me - the more striking and prominent, the better. I'm not a guy that stares at butts or chests or stuff like that. I just stare at people's faces.
So why am I writing/thinking about this now?
Maybe because of the fact that my skin is letting me down again.. so much that I just want to rip it off, steal somebody's face and staple it onto my scalp... So, yeah... Looking into the mirror every hour, desperately hoping that something might have magically changed in the meantime, might have been the reason for me to think about faces in general. PLUS this weird incident with the touchy saleslady...


After several minutes of searching through my music files, I did not find anything that could fit to this topic. The only thing I found was a track that had "Faces" in the title. Fair enough :)

The M Machine - Faces

"The Beautiful People" by Marylin Manson also came to my mind, but I don't think it fits to the rest of the tracks listed by this blog ;)

Let's just continue with "normal" favorites from the past few weeks, shall we?

San Cisco - Awkward (suggested by "simon")

GRiZ - Fall In Love Too Fast

Pupkulies & Rebecca - Paper (suKo Edit)

Kyle Andrews - Sushi

Enjoy your weekend!


"Social Intelligence" - Or : Herp Derp, I'm Stoopid #2

Two things led to writing this post: a board game about general knowlegde and an upcoming re-exam.

I failed at the first try of an exam in "Language and Cognition" and - of course - need to do it again. The reason for failing at the first time may be that the lecture is just a combination of other lectures I had a year ago. But Max, if you already know all that stuff, you should be able to rock this exam, right? NO! This lecture combines the lamest parts of the other lectures and pushes them into a big, ugly ball of soporific knowledge. Like these rubber band balls. Why even collect all of them into a big ball of uselessness? Sure, a rubber band ball can be fun if you throw it around, but unfortunately, I cannot throw my lecture out of the window. 
While trying to study for the re-exam, my usual learning-mood sets in. Idleness.
After a few hours (sometimes just minutes) of learning, my eyes can't identify letters anymore and only rush over the black symbols on the white background. The seldomly heard voice in my head starts talking gibberish and I begin to stare like a brain-dead person. Realizing that it doesn't make sense to continue this nonsense, I gave up studying. But since the re-exam is in a few days from now and because I REALLY need to pass this time, I looked at my notes again - sensing that the cycle of brain-dead-ness might start all over again.
There is this game called "bezzerwizzer" (which means "know-it-all") where you have several fields that you have to cross in order to come to the end an win. To get further, you need to answer questions. These questions are about general knowledge, meaning History, Society, Media, Literature+Art, Geography, Music and so on. I played this game with 2 of my friends in the hopes of maybe enjoying it (I mean, it's a game... you SHOULD have fun doing it, right?). Oh boy, was I wrong! Up to this day, I feel my ego vegetating to the point of extinction, because I just feel so damn stupid and like I'm lagging behind. The other guys had no problem listing every state of the USA, answering questions about foreign wars and overall excelling in this freakin' game for - as the title says it - "know-it-all"s. It's like my brain is not even able to process these pieces of information, as if there are some knowledge-receptors missing. Or as if I have enough of them, but not just the right kind or only the ones, that can receive information that would never be relevant in any kind of exam. My brain is trolling me! :c
Sure, I answered some of these questions correctly. And they might have been questions that the other 2 could never answer in their whole life... But do you wanna know what kind of answers they were? Hm? One of them was "Kylie Minogue." KYLIE. F*CKING. MINOGUE!  So embarrassing ._.''

But hey. Obviously, Music was one of those topics that were quite easy for me to answer. Maybe I'm not "stoopid," but just equipped with different knowledge-receptors. Or so...

Also, I've been talking about something like "Social Intelligence" with a few friends of mine over the past few months...Not only does this give me the opportunity to still be kind of smart, haHA!, it also defines another very important part of being intelligent. And that is being social! - well, in my eyes at least. The ability to communicate with the people who surround you, sensing the intentions of others while talking to them and noticing meanings above the level of normal understanding. I think, I can do that. Yeah, I think, I'm kind of socially intelligent.. What do you think? Is there something like "Social Intelligence" and if so, is it part of being a smart, open-minded and judicious person? (Let me know in the comment section below!)


So let's see what my music collection has to offer today... A nice mix of Pop, Indie, Electronica and Alternative. Something for everyone! :]

Blondfire - Waves

Mypet - Pays To Know

Tetr4 - Delta (C2C) 

Hey Champ - Cold Dust Girl (Gemini Club Remix)

...found this song while looking for the movie "Pina" (2011). Great soundtrack!!!
Jun Miyake - Lillies of the Valleys (Pina OST)

You can (!) download these songs with the download helper app if you want to (you should consider buying them and supporting the artists, though). So enjoy them - and the rest of the weekend, too ;)


Kiss Me, I'm ... Desperate.

"Kiss me, I'm Irish!" - a reference to the Blarney Stone, referring to the "Irish luck", often used at Valentine's day to talk someone into a little smooch. But when you look into Ireland's history, they didn't have that much luck if you think about it... Anyway, I'm in a mood right now that I normally malign when others show indications of having it. Not only being somehow flirty and in need of some hugs, but also seeking closeness and interpreting every positive sentence towards someone - without regarding its actual purpose - as a loving note. I'm the one that awkwardly "AAAAAH"s everytime a couple kisses in public or in a movie.
Considering my current outward appearance, I'm far away from being "Prince Charming." But I always bet on my personality and hope that it outshines my pear-y body.
Providing that someone actually cares about who I am as a person and not what I look like aaaaand that there is a certain connection, there might be the chance of physical contact... the innocent kind.
And I guess what I miss the most are these very subtle things that may not even be of interest for most of you. But, for instance, when my hand lies next to the hand of someone I like and he/we decide/s  to, like, make them interact and touch... and when they clasp... I don't know why but - with the right person - this little gesture is enough to make me smile like a Cheshire cat and my big, big heart burst with joy! 

Insert: Just thought of sharing this song right now. drawing the hands made me think of it :) Don't forget to check out the amazing video!!
Alpine - Hands

Call me batshit crazy, but these little things mean much more to me than words or a kiss. Maybe this annoying feeling of needing someone goes away by just clasping my hand with another hand or just a nice, loving hug by a potential partner.
To sum things up: I think I need love.


King Rule - Rock Bottom

Benjamin Francis Leftwich- When You Were Young (cover)

Antony and The Johnsons - Cut The World

Enough of this whiney crap for now. :)
Like my blog on facebook if you enjoyed this post or leave a comment if you feel the same way about hands-interlocking-and-stuff! ;)


Summer Heat and Tammyszu

Once upon a time, there was something called "winter." Almost everybody was enjoying the weather, catching snowflakes with their tongue, making snow angels and generally having a good time. And then, suddenly, Germany became the Sahara, making it feel like every part of the street is actually a hidden heating device of some sort and as if a very stupid person accidentally sprayed hot sauce all over the country...
I'm literally melting right now. Not even a cold shower can fix this, because just the act of drying my body with a towel makes me break out with sweat again. I would cry about this situation, but I guess my eyes could only bring out salty dust.

So you've found a position where your body eventually allows you to sleep, your eyelids become heavier and heavier and then DONG! - one of those big-a** bugs keeps flying against the ceiling and/or the lamp. Even worse: it might fly around your head, buzzing aroung, making you angry, aggressive and ready to kill!

You think I'm overreacting? Hell no! These freaking bugs must suffer. I don't even care whether they make a sound at all or not. They need to be pulverized!!!
Edit: I just realised that I did not finish this post early enough, which is why talking about heat became unnecessary. Tonight, it's even kind of cold... which does not seem to bug the bugs. There are still several buzzing things in my room that my eyes cannot locate. Dammit....

But on this note, let's talk about calm nights. You either have them outside when it's warm or inside when it's cold and you do sth to get warm. Either way, if you do everything right, you should feel almost utopistic. You've got nothing to do BUUUUT you also got nothing to do! :D meaning: you're free. No plans, no stress, no events, no work. You can just lie there and enjoy the moment. ... Or you could procrastinate, which I do right now. Give me a glass of nutella, access to the Internet and something cozy to doze off on and I'm in heaven!!
Well, back to the enjoying-the-moment-topic. Three or four years ago, I found a youtube channel called "tammyszu." I guess I was searching for a certain song to download it with the youtube download converter or so... and after 3 or 4 songs, I realised that all of the songs were uploaded by a certain "tammyszu," who apparently is a girl... a girl with great taste in music! Her videos vary from dubstep-electronica to chill-out and indie and always make use of an artistic picture or a model shoot, which is very typical for tammyszu.
She was the reason I started a youtube channel back then. Just to subscribe to her to get every update :D What happened to this channel - which, btw, was similar to hers - is another story...
Tammyszu's music collection is perfect for enjoying these special moments to the fullest! Here are some of my favorites from her channel:

Listen or download Diet Mtn Dew (Oxford Remix for free on Prostopleer
Stateless - Bloodstream (Royce Wood Junior Slipmix)

Cherry Ghost - Finally (Time and Space Machine Re-Edit)

Chrome Sparks - I'll Be Wait For Sadness Comes Along

Miami Horror - Moon Theory (Punks Jump Up Remix)

Aaaaaaah... just listening to these tracks gives me this everything-is-perfect-feeling again. :)
All of these videos represent a very important part of my taste in music. Sure, it changed since I found the channel some years ago, but I still enjoy these tracks as much as I did back then. If you like Tammyszu's stuff as much as I do, check out her Youtube channel !!!

That's all for today's post. Enjoy the rest of the summer!! ;)


Herp Derp, I'm stoopid!

Before I begin my explanation about why I am "stoopid", I want to point out that I passed the test I was talking about in my last post and that I'm not as much of a failure as I thought I am. The semi-elderly, pseudo-intellectual and biodegradable-clothes-wearing group of people told me, I was very good for someone who comes from Gera, my hometown, but definitely needed a LOT of work in order to be ready for what the course of studies will confront me with in the future. But I didn't care. I felt like I was on top of the world and like nothing could change that!
But now back to the topic.
I tend to do stupid decisions sometimes. Always.
For instance, when me and some friends decided - drunk as we were - to play volleyball. Without our shoes on. And without our socks. And without our pants. We seriously played drunk volleyball, half-naked in the ice-cold sand of a playground in the middle of the city. My feet were freezing, I couldn't see sh*t without my glasses (oh, and it was pitch-dark too!) ... But I had the time of my life. And a really bad headache on the following day.
And just a few hours ago, I decided to try running and combine it with a skipping rope. Yeah, it was/is midnight, but who cares??
My mp3-player does. After barely surviving the 3 steps that you can see below (my stamina isn't as good as it used to be :x), my skipping rope (which basically consists of 2 separate ropes that I conjoined with glue) tangled up with my headphones and pulled it out of my pants. Then I stepped on the player. I think, it's dead now, for real.
 Maybe I can fix my little friend. Maybe I just need to move on and buy a new one. Time will tell...

Thanks to the shuffle-feature of my little sansa, I re-heard some songs I haven't listened to for a looong time. Do you know this feeling, when you listen to a track that you loved once, then forgot about it and fall in love with it for a second time, when you hear it again? These are the ones that did exactly that...and love to my ears :]

The Radio Dept. - Heaven's On Fire

First Rate People - Funny Games
Digitalism - Just Gazin' (I couldn't find a good quality version of this track.. so I hope a youtube-link [you have to click on it] will be enough :x)

Download Washed Out A Dedication

Camille - Ta Douleur (Henrik Schwarz Vocal Remix) 

That's it for today/tonight, guys... I hope, you had a wonderful week so far and that you'll end it just as good as it started!


The "Kübler-Ross moments" of my life...

... always appear before exams.

The time has come. Again. Students are tested on stuff they don't care about and what they will never ever really need in their life. Recently, I checked my university account and found out that I had an A+ in a seminar called "Aural-Oral". All jokes aside (>>haha, Max is good when it comes to oral stuff<<) - It was like a revelation. This NEVER happened to me before. I'm currently struggling to get something near the B area and all of a sudden I get something right! And I am rewarded with a grade that could lift my final grade in the end! *flabbergasted*

But normally, I'm not even close to being that lucky. Even worse, I'm in huge trouble when it comes to learning. Maybe because I often procrastinate in such extreme ways, that I totally forget about the exams all along. But when I realize that there is something that I should put some effort into ALTHOUGH there is not enough time, I get into a process of distraction and surrender. You could almost see it as the already stated "Kübler-Ross model".

-Denial: I can do this. I passed through other exams without learning, too. Don't stress yourself, Max. Everything will be fine.

-Anger: OHMYF*CKINGGOD, why is everone and everything getting on my nerves?!? I want to hurt someone. I want to punch a child - no, even better, I want to make an ugly baby cry tears of fear! This little spawn of Satan needs to shit its pants or I'll never get to rest!!!
-Bargaining: Oookay, I get it, I need to study. Well, dear God (or whatever you want to be called, you weird, big thing of hope above the clouds), if you let me pass this damn exam, I SWEAR I'll always learn before the upcoming exams. Like, yeah. So....Please, God-thingy, pleaaase!? :3

-Depression: Man, I'm so stupid. Nobody likes me, that's how stupid I am. They only consider me as a "friend" because they are compassionate and can't leave a stupid soul like mine alone in the dark with my stupidness... stupidity... studidosia... ARGH!

-Acceptance: Well, fine. Max.... think about the 5 G's you've recently learned from a drag queen ("Good God, Get a Grip, Guuurrrrl!" *fingersnap*) .. You can do this. Chaka!


So why am I listing these thoughts on my way of handling complicated situations of my life that have the potential to ruin my future? Well, tomorrow, I have something that you could call an aptitude/qualification test that I need for changing my minor field of study. So many things that are going through my head... So many things that depend on me passing this test...

... and so many new songs in my library that I want to show you. Let's use them as a way to calm me down, okay? :S
The more I think about all the songs that recently found their way on my mp3-player, the more I notice that there is actually only one artist/band I want to show you.
(aka "∆")
After downloading their Album "An Awesome Wave" I completely blinded out all the other tracks and just listened to Alt-J's songs.. They remind me of something that Hercules And Love Affair did a while ago, which already is a good thing. The songs are different enough to intrique you while keeping the "hearability" to make you listen to it over and over and over and over and [...] over again. I hope you (can) enjoy them as much as I do :]

Alt-J - Tessellate (click here for the video)

Alt-J - Tessellate (Black Box Remix)

Alt-J - Breezeblocks

Alt-J - Breezeblocks (Christoph Skirl Remix)

Okay... I think I should go to bed now, get some sleep and ROCK the test tomorrow.
Wish me luck!!
